Until Clerith Week 2024 Starts

    Illustration by Mint

    il nostro amore è una canzone, siamo l'armonia

    Illustration by レナッチ

    As April's rainy season comes to an end, let us look forward to the blooming of flowers in May.

    Illustration by Halutica-san

    Under a cloudy night, a lone wolf howls as the skies cry. After his sadness is washed away by the April rain, the earth awakens with life anew. Happiness comes for the wolf and his lily as May flowers bloom with the coming of spring.This theme reflects the fervent wish of all cleriths that after all the years of despair, a happy ending awaits Cloud and Aerith—together in their Promised Land.曇った夜空の下、空が泣いて一匹の狼が吠える。彼の悲しみは4月の雨に洗い流され、大地は新たな生命に目覚める。春の訪れとともに5月の花が咲き、狼と彼の百合に幸せが訪れる。このテーマには、絶望的な歳月を経てクラウドとエアリスが約束の地でハッピーエンドを迎えることを願わずにはいられない、クラエアたちの熱い想いが込められています。

    Illustration by dita

    "Cloud and Aerith communicate their true feelings with each other through the flowers..."
    -Final Fantasy VII Remake
    Inspired by the way Cloud and Aerith can convey their feelings with each other through the flowers, this theme includes the romantic meanings of flowers connected to their beautiful love story.

    1. Please use the hashtags #Clerith, #クラエア, #ClerithWeek, #クラエア週間, #ClerithWeek2024, #クラエア週間2024 on all social media sites that you share your entries on.2. Entries can be a few days late, but please make sure to tag it with the day that matches your entry.3. Entries can be published on Twitter, Pixiv, DeviantArt, or Tumblr, but please remember to tag your entry with the aforementioned hashtags.4. You can draw or write your entry in advance if you think you won’t have time to meet the deadline.5. You can use any of the listed prompts however you’d like. You can also add in other prompts, or use a different one, too.7. Please do not include other ships in your entries, and keep the focus on Cloud and Aerith.

    1.SNSで参加する際は #Clerith#クラエア#ClerithWeek#クラエア週間#ClerithWeek2024#クラエア週間2024年、のハッシュタグをお使いください。2.数日遅れての参加でも問題ありませんが、どの日に参加しているかタグをつけけて明確にして下さい。3.Twitter、Pixiv、DeviantArt、Tumblrへの掲載も問題ありませんが前述のタグは必ずつけるようにして下さい。4.イラストや文章をデッドラインに合わせることができそうにない場合は、事前に着手していただいて問題ありません。5.リストに記載の話題をご自由な発想で取り入れて下さい。リスト以外の話題を組み合わせたり、違う話題を使っていただいても良いです。6.他のカップリングでのご参加はご遠慮ください。あくまでクラウドとエアリスを題材にして下さい。

    Inspired by music from both Remake and Rebirth, our themes this year are not only based off the OST but also romantic Disney songs!We are so excited to see what everyone will be creating!

    DAY 1
    Flowers Blooming in the Church
    A Whole New World
    DAY 2
    Home Again
    Love Will Find A Way
    DAY 3
    Midnight Rendezvous
    If I Never Knew You
    DAY 4
    Firework Blade
    Kiss The Girl
    DAY 5
    Words Drowned by Fireworks
    I See The Light
    DAY 6
    One Last Date - My Dream
    So This Is Love
    DAY 7
    Wedding / Alternate Universe

    This year's prompts are chosen from different romantic tropes which we hope fellow cleriths can find inspiration from for their works! Let's all have fun again this year~

    DAY 1Accidental Hand-Hold: Ship Tease moment where two characters end up locking hands with each other when they reach for the same item.Bite of Affection: Love for somebody is shown through the form of biting them.Bridal Carry: A character carries his Love Interest in his arms and/or vice versa.--DAY 2Window Love: Lovers meet at a window and kiss or touch hands through it.Caught in the Rain: Ship Tease moment where a couple seek shelter from the rain and they get intimate with each other as a result.Bodyguard Crush: Falling in love with somebody hired to protect you or vice versa.--DAY 3The Lady's Favour: A woman gives her Love Interest an item of hers before he goes off into battle.Love Will Lead You Back: Lovers leave each other, but one remains confident that their lover will come back to them.After Action Patch Up: Ship Tease moment where a character gets their wounds patched up by their Love Interest.--DAY 4- FREE DAY ---DAY 5Romantic Ride Sharing: A couple shares a ride on the same vehicle where one drives it and the other hugs them from behind.Sweetheart Sipping: A classic romantic date where the couple share a milkshake with two straws.Almost Kiss: Two characters come close to kissing.--DAY 6Break His Heart to Save Him: You must break up with your lover in order to protect them.Anguished Declaration of Love: Confessing your love for somebody during a moment of angst.The Big Damn Kiss: A grandiose kiss scene.--DAY 7There Is Only One Bed: Ship Tease moment where characters end up having to share a bed.Ten Minutes in the Closet: Characters get locked in a closet together, romance and make out sessions ensue.Sleep Cute: Lovers or characters with Ship Tease fall asleep next to each other.

    The prompts are a collection of iconic quotes of Cloud and Aerith which we hope participants can make entries of for either angst or fluff content, or maybe both.

    FlowerGuard Initiative